I thought a lot of the image as a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional reality. I found it inconsistent to use paint applied to a surface to make an image, thus creating a repressed three dimensional physical reality of the image, with the different layers on top of each other. To try to solve this I started to bevel the the surface of the veneer or whatever wood I was using, and apply the paint into the indentations and grooves. I had to let the paint dry and repeat the process many times to build up a layer thick enough to make a smooth single plane. To speed up the process I tried to mix the paint with mediums to make it thicker. It worked but was very expensive. After a while I found out that mixing the paint with ordinary contruction filler actually didn't change the color of the paint that much.
Next I realized I could create a the whole surface of paint and filler instead of starting from a wooden plate. But I didn't want to make a frame and fill it, because I felt that the frame had to be an integrated part of the work. So I made an indentation over the whole surface, leaving just a small frame around the edges to keep the paint in place.
A lot of things happened. K became pregnant. I started looking for a better job and got a hired as a graphic designer at Byrå99, which now is TibeT. We moved from K's student apartment at Singsaker to a two room apartment at Lademoen. I also got a new studio at Lademoen Kunstnerverkstad. Emrik was born in July 2000.